jeudi 27 janvier 2011

Forex Technical Analysis

Forex Technical Analysis is the study of the evolution of markets, primarily through the use of forex charts in order to predict future price trends.
Find fact sheets on our site training to
Technical Analysis. Technical Analysis also known as graphical analysis is a technique popular intervention in financial markets.

Learn Forex

vendredi 21 janvier 2011

Forex: Limit Order (the limit order)

An instruction to buy or sell if a market moves to a more positive (that is, an instruction to buy if the market falls to a level indicated or sell if a market goes up to a specified level) is called an order to Limit. A limit order is often used to take profit on position but also can be used to establish a new position.

EUR / USD is currently at 1.2713/16. You think the euro will become stronger, but
you think the EUR / USD will fall below 1.27 before it rises. You
can put a limit order to buy EUR / USD at 1.27. Your order to
Limit is executed when the EUR / USD is offered at 1.27.

Forex Market Order (order flow)

The Market Order (order flow) is an order to buy or sell should be done at a price
immediately available, that is to say, the rate 'spot' (the current rate at which the market

The current rate EUR / USD is 1.2713/16 and you want to buy 1 million.

The types of forex orders

Our customers can place orders for various types of fixed income or loss. These Orders can be combined with open positions but you should be aware that some orders may not be combined with the current transaction. If a order is executed, you should make sure to cancel all orders in positions closed. Otherwise, these orders can become a new order that is not connected to a open position.
'GTC' (Good Till Cancelled)
By placing an order, you must specify for how long the order should be valid.
The order GTC (Good Till Cancelled) is a very common type of order, it remains
Valid 24 hours on 24, until you cancel it. Such an order is not
automatically canceled at the close on Friday and is restored on Monday morning unless
you specify otherwise.
Orders 'Day Orders' (orders daily)
Orders 'Day Orders' (Day orders) are valid until 23:00 CET time.
We propose the following orders
- Market Order
- Limit Order
- Stop Order
- OCO Order
- IF DONE Order
- Loop Order

mercredi 19 janvier 2011

The 17 mistakes to avoid (17)

Error # 17: Forget the rules!

Throughout your experience on forex, you will forge new rules. It
not enough to apply the rules below, but to apply them according to your
investor behavior. But one thing is sure, once you set
a rule, do not transgress the risk of one day seeing all the other rules

The 17 mistakes to avoid (16)

Error # 16: Buying a currency because it has declined significantly or vice versa

Why not? You need to ask yourself one question: why has she provided
down? Markets can be inefficient for a short period but over a long
period, the market is often right. Here we learn that the sum of
individualities can go in the opposite direction of the market.

The 17 mistakes to avoid (15)

Error No. 15: Process Knowing Nothing in Forex

The best way to learn is of course practice. But if you are on this site is
you want to know a little more before acting on the markets. It's the best
things to do. How many investors decided to invest their savings in stock market without
any mechanism known stock in reliance on mere hype?

The 17 mistakes to avoid (14)

Error # 14: Taking the game

The forex is only through investment as others. Do not let it take
not on your privacy or your work. Positions may have assumed wrong
a bad influence on your behavior and your ability to react to
market fluctuations would be greatly weakened. It is essential to keep his blood
cold and separate the forex everything.

The 17 mistakes to avoid (13)

Error # 13: Follow the Forex real time so that your investment is long term
On short-term, forex fluctuates declarations rumors. There is no need to follow your portfolio daily if you are planning to invest over the long term. The weekly consultation is sufficient.

The 17 mistakes to avoid (12)

Error # 12: Announcing its gains to anyone who will listen

It is always nice to tell someone you've won as much in one day
an employee in a month. This is not the issue sociological or humanistic
problem here. But will you be as expressive on your losses? If you can not stand
not to make losses, do not advertise your capital gains.

The 17 mistakes to avoid (11)

Error # 11: Thinking that the market is wrong

What matters is not whether you're right or wrong, the important thing is to be in
same direction as the market. If you're right but that the market finds out that 6
months later, what was the benefit of being right? Far wrong, you could put
your money for 6 months.

The 17 mistakes to avoid (10)

Error # 10: Going on holiday in August

How many investors have returned from their vacation in finding a fall
consistent with their wallets? If you go on vacation, make sure that all
your risk positions are covered.

The 17 mistakes to avoid (9)

Error # 9: Investing in two months with the money for the purchase of a
You can not risk money on a lifetime trying to win some more. It
need to know to stay humble. Forex for the short term is not for the money
we need, but for the money you are prepared to lose. Only invest what you
can lose!

The 17 mistakes to avoid (8)

Error # 8: Average

Some would argue that averaging (buying more currency with a lot
declined to lower your costs or vice versa) allowed them to win
lot of money. It's possible even likely. But in doing so you increase
significantly your risk exposure on a single currency, which is more
probably on a downtrend or uptrend.

The 17 mistakes to avoid (7)

Error # 7: Do not cut its losses

In adverse or high rise, you must ask the question a moment
is whether you should close with a loss now or wait. It is the
when the difference between professional traders and beginners will be the most.
There are four possible gains or losses. You can save a lot, win
little, lose little or lose a lot. In the long term, small gains and small losses
to compensate. You simply take the losses faster than profits,
so you get an above market returns.

The 17 mistakes to avoid (6)

Error # 6: Follow the advice

Surely the point harder to follow. As a potential investor, you
receive hundreds of tips on all sides (financial newspapers, websites,
financial advisors ...). You'll tend to follow that which comes from the source
the information more secure. Counsel (another): Do not follow that advice if
a board that you trust completely based on facts, not
only a single print. How many people died following the
famous: "Buy X, it goes up!".

The 17 mistakes to avoid (5)

Error # 5: Do not stop if recurring losses
If during a period of time or longer, you're going constantly
against the market. If whatever decision you make, it is contrary to
market. Take a step back. Stop for a while, either in whole or in
simulating trading orders either by reducing your positions considerably.

The 17 mistakes to avoid (4)

Error No. 4: Lose the value of money

It may happen in some specific cases that you temporarily lose value
money. This situation is dangerous because it leads you to take more risks
and more generally with great returns that are not always what

The 17 mistakes to avoid (3)

Error # 3: To believe with a supernatural power

It will happen at one time or another have an unusual opportunity. Your ten -
fifteen or even twenty past operations have been successful in a space
very short. Over this state of grace come quickly, the faster the fall. With each new
winning move, you will tend to increase the amount of your positions and thereby
your own risk. Be aware that a beginner or experienced trader can not be right to
100%. The key is to know unbuckle his position when it is realized
to be wrong.

The 17 mistakes to avoid (2)

Error No. 2: Yielding to euphoria or panic

Forex is the case in cold blood. Do not buy a currency because you have read
in a newspaper. Professionals will tend to sell during the
periods of sharp increases and vice versa.

The 17 mistakes to avoid (1)

Error No. 1: Do not set goals of profit or loss

To reduce the psychological impact of your decisions at the end of your
position, it is necessary to set goals for profits and losses. These objectives
may be changed if necessary.

The 17 mistakes to avoid

What is the main difference between a beginner and an experienced trader? A but only in size: the experience.

The trader has already committed enough mistakes in his career unlike
beginners. To prepare our clients for errors that may commemtre in
management of its account, we have listed below a series of mistakes you
commit certain but it is good to know to avoid excessive
disappointments. On the foreign exchange market, it is not to avoid mistakes but to limit the consequences.

forex and 8 main recommendations

1. The trend is your friend.
2. In a bull market, buy the dips, in a bear market for sale,
3. Let profits run, cut losses short. Always use
Loss limits and move them only to reduce the potential loss or
Protect newly achieved profits.
4. Prepare your action plan before entering the market is not impulsive.
5. Use a 3 to 1 reward / loss.
6. If you have a pyramid:
Every purchase successive layer should be smaller than its predecessor.
Add to gain positions only.
Never add a losing position.
Adjust protective stops the equilibrium point (or better).
7. Learn to be comfortable in the minority, if you are right about the market,
Most people will disagree with you.
8. Keep it simple, complicated is not always better.

Superior liquidity for forex

With a daily volume that is 50x larger than the stock market New York.
There are always players to buy or sell currencies that Foreign exchange markets. The liquidity of the market, especially the currency principal, helps ensure price stability. Traders can almost always Open or close a position at a fair market price.

Take advantage of upward and downward movements

Unlike the stock market value of the variable income, as no restrictions on the sale.
The profit potential is in the foreign exchange market regardless of long or short position of the customer or market direction. Since the foreign exchange market is always with the purchase of a currency and sell otherwise there is no structural distortions in the market. This means that a customer exciting opportunities to enjoy an equal increase or decrease in the market.

Forex 24/24 Open Market Clock

The Forex market is a market of 24 hours without interruption.
As a customer of this allows you to instantly favorable / unfavorable reaction to events. There are
Even customers the added flexibility to deal with when they want.

50: 1 Leverage (or even more)

Realtime Forex SA allows greater leverage than stocks, futures or options market.

Customers can use the 50:1 to risk without using a margin call situation. The
Leverage is a double-edged sword. Without proper risk management this high degree
Leverage can lead to large losses as well as gains.

Forex vs. equities and futures

No commission
We can offer this level of service to our clients because Realtime Forex SA
is a market maker, not a broker. So there is no increase, no
Commissions or fees on transactions. Our profitability, as the
Customers depends solely on our know-how in foreign exchange.

forex 50: 1 Leverage (oder sogar mehr)

Realtime Forex SA ermöglicht eine als die Größere Hebelwirkung Aktien, Futures Optionen oder Markt.

Kunden können das 50:1 nutzen, ohne zu einen riskieren Margin Call Situation zu nutzen. Das
Leverage ist ein Schwert zweischneidiges. Ohne dieses hohe Maß angemessen Risikomanagement
Hebelwirkung kann als auch zu großen Verlusten gewinnen führen.

Forex vs. Futures Aktien und

Kommission keine

Wir können dieses Maß für unsere Kunden Service annum da Realtime Forex SA bieten
Market Maker ist ein, kein Makler. Es gibt keine Steigerung aussi, keine
Provisionen Gebühren oder auf Transaktionen. Unsere Profitabilität, wie die
Kunden, hängt allein von unserem Know-how in Devisen.

dimanche 16 janvier 2011

Psychologie du Trading-Forex

Les facteurs fondamentaux et techniques sont incroyablement essentiels pour bien déterminer
la dynamique de toutes les devises.
Il y a, cependant, deux facteurs additionnels qui sont primordiaux à comprendre concernant les mouvements à court terme sur le marché. Ce sont les prévisions et les sentiments. Ils peuvent être semblables, mais restent distincts. Les prévisions sont formées avant la publication des statistiques économiques et des données financières. Prêter seulement l'attention aux chiffres publiés ne suffit pas pour prévoir le futur cours d'une devise. Si, par exemple, le PIB des USA sortait à 7 % mais 5% dans le quart précédent, alors le dollar ne va pas forcément monter. Si les prévisions du marché s'étaient attendues à une croissance de 8%, alors la lecture 7 % pourrait venir comme une déception, de ce fait entraînant une réaction très différente du marché.
Néanmoins, les prévisions ont pu être remplacées par les sentiments du marché. C'est l'attitude régnante du marché vis-à-vis d'un taux de change; ce qui pourrait être un résultat de l'évaluation économique globale vers le pays en question, l'emphase générale du marché, ou d'autres facteurs exogènes. Prenons l'exemple ci-dessus sur le PIB des USA; même si le chiffre de 7 % est en dessous des prévisions, le marché peut ne pas
montrer de réaction. Une raison possible est que le sentiment pourrait être positif pour le dollar indépendamment des chiffres réels et prévus. Ceci pourrait être dû aux marchés des placements des USA, ou aux principes fondamentaux faibles dans la contre- devise (euro, Yens ou sterling). Un terme qui est généralement associé avec le "sentiment" est "psychologie". Pendant les deux premiers mois de 2000, l'euro a subi la pression de vente féroce contre le dollar en dépit d'améliorations constantes des principes fondamentaux dans l'Eurozone. C'est parce que la psychologie du marché avait décidément favorisé des capitaux vers les USA dus aux signes continus de la croissance non-inflationniste, et dus au sentiment que des
accroissements plus ultérieurs des taux d'intérêt des USA fonctionneront dans l'avantage des différentiels de rendement des USA, sans dérailler l'expansion économique.

samedi 15 janvier 2011


One of the dominant debates in the analysis of global financial market is the reliability of the two major analysis: Fundamental and technical.
In the foreign exchange market, several studies have concluded that fundamental analysis was more effective in trends in long-term (longer than a year), while technical analysis was more appropriate for shorter horizons (0-90 days). Combining the two approaches was suggested to be best suited for periods between three months and one year. Nevertheless, further evidence indicates that technical analysis of long-term trends helps
identify waves and longer-term fundamentals that trigger short-term developments. But most traders follow technical analysis because it did not require many hours of study. Technical analysts can follow many currencies at one time. Fundamental analysts, however, tend to specialize due to the overwhelming amount of data on the market. Analysis technique works well because the market tends to develop strong trends. Once the analysis technique is mastered, it can be applied with the same ease as much over time as a currency.

jeudi 13 janvier 2011

Forex Technical Analysis

There are two basic approaches to properly analyze the Forex, technical analysis and fundamental analysis. While the technical analyst studies the price movements themselves fundamental analysis focuses on the essential causes of price movements.

A technical analysis is what one uses to try to predict future price movements based on the analysis of certain periods and on reading / understanding of graphics. In technical analysis, there are several interpretations of the models, all are generally based on historical charts of a currency. As long as one realizes the various differences of fundamental and technical analysis, both can be used to parallel one or the other, although both may present different conclusions.

mercredi 12 janvier 2011

Forex: What is it?

The foreign exchange market, or "Forex" or abbreviated as "FX" is the largest financial market in the world, the daily volume of transactions exceeds 1,000 Billion USDollar is equivalent to 30 times the total of all scholarships in America.
Unlike other financial markets, the forex market has no physical center
or centralized place. It is an OTC market where buyers and sellers (banks,
corporations, private investors, etc. ..) do business. An open market 24/24,
opens each day in Sydney and moves around the globe. Each trading day
begins first in Tokyo, then London and finally New York. Unlike other
financial markets, investors can respond quickly to any time
fluctuations caused by economic, social or political
anytime, day or night. The large number and diversity of
stakeholders make it difficult for government to control the market direction.
The unmatched liquidity and global activity make forex a 24/24 market
ideal for active traders.
Traditionally the forex market was only available to larger
Investors treated the currencies for commercial and institutional
through banks. Now trading platforms, as RTFXTM Pro
allow smaller financial institutions and retail investors access to
same level of liquidity as the major international banks, offering access to
interbank market.
In the forex market, currencies are always priced in pairs. All
transactions resulting simultaneous buying of one currency and selling another.
The goal of treating the foreign exchange market is to change one currency against
another, hoping that the market moves so that the currency you have
purchased from taking the value compared to the one you sold. If you purchased
currency and the price appreciates in value, you must sell the currency for
take your profit. An open position is a currency pair that you either
bought / sold and you have not sold / bought back the equivalent amount to
effectively close the position.
The first currency in the currency pair is referred to as the "base currency"
and the second currency is the counter or quote currency. This means that prices are
expressed as a unit of the first currency quoted per the other currency quoted in the pair
Like all financial products, market quotations of the changes include
"Application" and an "offer". Demand is the price at which a market maker (Realtime
Forex) is willing to buy (and clients can buy) the base currency in exchange
the quote currency. The offer is the price at which a market maker (Realtime Forex) will sell
(Where customers can buy) the base currency in exchange for the quote currency. The
difference between supply and demand is known as the spread.